5th Grade Chorus
Welcome to 5th Grade Chorus!
5th grade chorus is open to any 5th grader (no experience necessary!). We meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:45-11:10. We typically perform 3-6 times a year. Performances may include: concerts, school assemblies, district showcases, school board meetings and step up day. To join, ask your classroom teacher or Mrs.LaForce for a permission slip. Students are able to be in BOTH the band and chorus.
At Home Practice Materials
See here for copies of music and recordings to use for at home practice! (Coming soon!)
How do I join chorus?
The best time to join is at the beginning of the year in 4th grade. Ask your classroom teacher or find Mrs. LaForce (or Miss Possi) for a permission slip!
what is the time commitment for chorus?
Chorus rehearses during the school day in the band room with Mrs. LaForce. The time will be communicated with you and your classroom teacher, but currently 5th grade chorus rehearses every Tuesday and Thursday during enrichment time, from 10:45-11:10.
are there concerts outside of school?
Yes! We have both concerts inside and outside of school (3-6 times a year) that will be communicated with you or your child well in advance. These concerts include: concerts, community days, district showcases, school board meetings, and step up day.
When are the concerts?
Currently we have a concert for 5th grade chorus and band planned for January as well as in March, during Music in our School Month! There are also various other in and out of school performances. These will be on our calendar as well as communicated to you and your child.
do i have to go to the concerts?
Yes! Performances are what we work toward every week in rehearsal, so you are required to be there. You wouldn't want to miss it! It is an important milestone for us as we begin to learn to use our voice as an instrument. You are also part of a team - everyone else in the chorus is counting on you!
what do i wear to concerts?
You will wear your concert dress to the chorus concerts. Mrs. LaForce will share with you what concert dress is (all black, black and white, etc.).